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Many of our climbing indoor plants need to be staked on a pole or totem to encourage growth. Natural vining plants in the wild, they send out aerial roots trying to attach to trees to climb up towards the sunlight. By staking up your plant on a totem, it will encourage the leaves to grow large and beautiful. 


Fern fiber is the perfect material to use because the aerials can attach to it, unlike with other materials. A natural material similar to a tree, it's the perfect way to mimic the plants natural environment at home. 


Suitable for the following plants (along with many others):

  • Swiss cheese vine
  • Philodendrons
  • Pothos
  • Monsteras
  • Begonias
  • Syngonium


Tree fern sourced from New Zealand is soft, porous and spongy, long-lasting, and has fantastic moisture-holding abilities. These natural products have a much larger surface area than many other substrates, which means their capacity to retain moisture is much greater.


Within the past 25 years, the team at Fernwood has developed a robust system that ensures all harvesting of tree fern in New Zealand is managed sustainably. The environment is left as it was found – intact and undisturbed. With native tree ferns that are only found in New Zealand, they've developed a unique processing method that produces top quality products considered superior to tree fern materials found anywhere else in the world.


Available in :

- Mini

- Small

- Medium 

- Large

- X-Large

NZ native fern totem for plants

PriceFrom $9.00


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